Friday, March 20, 2015

shakespeare a midsummer nights dream

In class we are reading Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, which is one of the worst books I was ever forced to read. The level of difficulty the vocabulary in this book is crazy. Not only I have to read a book I don't want too but now the book is to hard to understand what Shakespeare is talking about. The class have to do a cold read and then break down every line in our own words to even make sense of what Mr. Shakespeare is trying to express to the audience. The best part of the vocab. is the he can curse you out in his own kind of way. This way of writing is not very modernize. Maybe thats the reason I don't understand the words he put before me. Besides the misunderstandable words the plot isn't that bad. Because the vocab is hard it turns me all the way off of wanting to understand the actual plot of the book. There is a little love quadratic thing going on between these four people. My favorite character would be Helena. Helena, the lovesick young woman desperately in love with Demetrius, is perhaps the most fully drawn. Among the group of Athenian lovers, Helena is the one who thinks most about the nature of love which makes sense, given that at the beginning of the play she is left out of the love triangle involving Lysander, Hermia, and Demetrius.

1 comment:

  1. That part where the font changes, that is because you copied from a website, which makes it plagiarism!
