Friday, January 23, 2015

class related

We start off a new semester at the being of the month, I wonder what Ms.Hegeman has in store for us to read now or a topic to do a million Socratic seminars on. I honestly don't know what to say about what goes on in my english class. Its the same thing everyday, its very redundant. Especially when we have a book. As a class we've been on these short stories for a WHOLE MONTH!! Like come on im tired of hearing about Everyday Use, The Lottery, The Sniper, etc. We did a presentation, vocabulary test on words, two Socratic seminars for some, and now theres an essay due. I pray we do something more exciting and interactive like go on a trip. I hope you see this blog Ms.Hegeman and really take what I have to say into consideration. See you next month !! With a fresh start.

passion for driving

My passion is driving. Being behind the wheel feels great. In the summer time i normally drive in the car with the drop top and just let the wind blow through my hair. The best part is waiting at the red light and the car next to you signals you by flashing there high beems. Thats a sign of sayin they want to race. To win the race you have to get to the next light first. You be surprise how many people play this car game. Even through its mostly men. I always win just to let you know. Besides the racing and going fast down the highway driving a car holds some major responsibilities such as, having to watch out for these crazy people dotting off in the middle of the street. I really dont understand why people do that, they're not going to be happy until I hit someone. Driving is really the best I feel independent and when i go to college my grandma already told me im getting my own car. When I get to college im not going to be the cab lady either. Thats the only con. And then I woke up !!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I got EMANCIPATED from the community.
Ms.Hegeman REITERATE herself to get on people nerves.
The church has a VAULTED ceiling.
The JOCKEY signed his horse up for a race.
I was BELEAGUER when i walked out my house.
My bag CHAFED my body which, became sore.
The school has PARAPETS out the window.
I am HAGGARD this morning because i didn't get no sleep.
I DIVULGED on my friend so I wouldn't get in trouble.