Wednesday, December 17, 2014

English Gotta Go

Sitting here talking to a teacher who failed me... well i really failed myself. But so what now I cant play basketball until next marking period. I'm trying to persuade her to give me a grade change form. I wounder if she is noticing my little hints I'm throwing in the conversation. However, knowing Ms. Hegeman she just going to reject me so I don't know why I'm wasting my time. But I guess Its worth the try. I truly hate English class, not the teacher but the subject itself. I already know the basics such as, how to read and write. SHOOT !! I'm writing this right now. All these grammar rules and blogs I don't see how this is going to help me. Ms. Hegeman is a great person and all but her class.... I HATE IT!! I tried to convince her to stop giving the class homework or better yet work in general. I feel that its easy to grade work if its nothing to really grade. Its less stress on both the teacher and the students. However, she feels when I go to college and write a poor essay the college professor is going to think she was a jerk for not teaching how to write a decent essay. " I don't want to be that jerk" she said. What would make the broad of education require us to take four long whole years of English when we only need 2 in my opinion. 1 year with a course to teach us how to write better and the other year on how to analyze a text. The bottom line is English HAVE TO GO! its like a pimple that never goes away.


  1. I do think it is amusing that you basically transcribed our conversation. However, your numerous errors in grammar make your writing confusing! This is exactly why you need this class!

  2. when we first started english it was fun now i just want it to be over
